Join Us on Sundays at the Sanctuary

Sunday School classes for all ages starting at 10 A.M.
Sunday Worship service starts at 11 A.M.

Mondays at the Sanctuary

Bible study at 6 P.M.
Family Prayer at 7 P.M.

Wednesday at the Sanctuary

Midweek Bible Study at 7 P.M.



One of the main instructions given to the leaders of the early church was to teach. This commandment did not stop with the early church but continues today. From kids, teens, young adults, and adults, we have learning opportunities available for all ages. We would love for you to join us for Sunday School at 10:00am every Sunday morning. Anointed worship and preaching follow at 11:00am. We also offer in-depth, Biblically sound, doctrinal teaching Wednesday nights at 7:00pm.  

About US

Love for others is to be a hallmark trait of all Christians. Here at The Sanctuary of Shawnee we stand on the Word of God.



The Great Commission of Matthew 28 tells us that we must go into all the world, making disciples of persons in all nations. At The Sanctuary Shawnee, we are striving to not only be, but to do what God has called us to do.
Let's be what God has called us to be!